Daniel Zerbino
Team Leader, Genome Analysis Home institute: EMBL-EBI
Country of residence: United Kingdom
Projects available from:
Web page: Group web page
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Relevant challenge area(s): Communicable disease, Sustainable food production
Daniel Zerbino leads the Genome Analysis team, which focuses on whole-genome analyses and the functional annotation of non-genic regions. He also leads a small research group. Daniel completed his PhD at EMBL-EBI, studying de novo assembly of next-generation sequencing data, and developed the Velvet assembler. After a postdoc at the University of California Santa Cruz analysing RNA-Seq data and studying the mathematics of sequence rearrangements, he returned to EMBL-EBI to lead Ensembl Regulation before leading the Genome Analysis team. Daniel's background is in mathematics and computer engineering, and he holds a joint degree from the École Polytechnique and the École des Mines in France.