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The third call for CABANA secondments is now CLOSED
CABANA’s research secondments are aimed at catalysing lasting collaborations between researchers in Latin America and bioinformatics groups in the UK, initially at EMBL-EBI.
- Scientists from Latin America can apply for a secondment of 6 months to pursue a bioinformatics research project in the challenge areas of the CABANA project. These are communicable diseases, protecting biodiversity and food security
- The project should be designed in collaboration with the host of your choice listed below from EMBL-EBI or a host institution in Latin America
- Our hosts have identified ideas for projects that span curiosity-driven research, software development, data curation and creation of bioinformatics training materials. It is important that your proposed research topic is aligned with the research interests of your selected host
- Secondments are open to scientists at MSc. level and above
- Secondees will be responsible for their health insurance while in the UK
Secondment benefits
- The opportunity to engage and connect with the bioinformatics research community in the UK including scientists at the University of Cambridge and the Wellcome Sanger Institute as well as EMBL-EBI
- The opportunity to collaborate with Latin American bioinformatics researchers in a different country
- Return travel/to from home for secondment and after 3 months if required to visit family
- A living expense allowance (LEA) of £1,000 per month less National Insurance Contributions (approx. 12.5 % per month). If the secondment is supported by other means, the LEA is reduced accordingly
- A contribution of £450 per month towards accommodation
- Secondment benefits (LEA) in Latin American universities and research institutes will be in line with host policy to the maximum of the EMBL-EBI benefits
- The CABANA project will facilitate exempt vignette visa applications for secondments to EMBL-EBI. CABANA will not reimburse incidental costs such as postage and travel relating to the visa
- Secondees will be responsible for applying for visas to all other institutions