Zamin Iqbal
Research Group Leader - Iqbal research group Home institute: EMBL-EBI
Country of residence: United Kingdom
Projects available from:
Web page: Group web page
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Relevant challenge area(s): Communicable disease
Zamin Iqbal leads a computational genomics research group working on genetic variation in microbes, developing methods for representing and understanding complex genetic variation (e.g. surface antigens in P. falciparum and the pan-genome in bacteria), and exploring surveillance and diagnostics for antimicrobial resistance. Zamin obtained his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, worked in the software industry for several years and returned to academia to work on the 1000 Genomes project at EMBL-EBI. He did his postdoctoral work with Professor Gil McVean at the University of Oxford before being awarded a Wellcome Trust/Royal Society Sir Henry Dale award and starting his own group.