Ricardo Fujita
ProfessorRicardo Fujita built and leads the national human genetics reference lab in Peru and is an expert on rare diseases and human evolution, in addition to having mentored a large number of early-stage researchers. He studied Biology (Genetics) at UNMSM followed by a Master's and Doctorate in Molecular Genetics from the University of Strasbourg (formerly Louis Pasteur), France. He then moved to the University of Michigan Medical School, before returning to Peru. His distinctions include: Association Française contre les Myopathies doctoral grant (AFM, France), National Eye Institute / Fight for Sight Society postdoctoral award (USA). Award "Brilliant Minds against Disability" Congress of the Republic. Memberships: Human Genome Organization. Honorary College Biologists. Academic Holder of Number National Academy of Sciences Peru. Reviewer national and foreign journals; National and international entities projects. Advisor and Consultant: Ministries Agriculture, Health, Foreign Relations, CONCYTEC, Congress of the Republic.