Secondment hosts in Latin America

Professor of Bioinformatics
- Study of SNP on protein function by using structural bioinformatics tools
- Study of Rare diseases by Whole Exome Sequencing and Whole Genome Sequencing techniques.

Associate Professor
- Development and optimisation of bioinformatic pipelines for amplicon metagenomic data and viral shotgun metagenomic data.
- Developing e-Learning tutorials (written in Spanish and English) for CABANA on metagenomic analysis

Principal Investigator
- Study of gene regulation during tissue regeneration across kingdoms, using high-throughput functional genomics experiments
- Search for signatures of domestication and introgression in crop plants native to Mexico

- Plant pathogens such as Hemileia Vastatrix
- Comparative transcriptone profile of defense-related genes in coffee plants infected by Xylella Fastidiosa
- Study of genes related to the flowering process in coffee:Towards improvements in a climate change scenario
- In vitro cultivation and mutants
- Safety of genetically modified crops

- Developing methods for drug discovery.
- Genome sequencing of Ilex paraguariensis (Yerba Mate)

Principal Investigator
- Discovery of gene regulation motifs using high-throughput functional genomics experiments
- Exploring signatures of selection across whole genomes

Associate Professor
- Comparative microbial genomics
- Antimicrobial resistance and genomic epidemiology of Clostridium difficile

Research Assistant
- Reconstruction of metabolic networks from whole genome sequencing and RNA-seq data
- Identification of new targets in tuberculosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae

Centro Internacional de la Papa, Peru
- Determining and monitoring plant-associated microbiome and/or pathogen populations to support sustainable food production
- Metagenomic biodiversity analysis in response to climate change in different agro-ecologies

Adjunct Professor
- Developing of new high throughput docking techniques to identify new drug for infectious diseases.
- From genomes to drugs: whole genome structural analysis

Project Leader, Universidad de Los Andes
- Development of molecular tags for Latin American endemic plants
- Whole genome sequencing of the coffee rust pathogen

- Discovery of candidate genes involved in stress (biotic and abiotic) response in sunflower through NGS RNA-seq experiments.
- Discovery of new markers linked to traits of interest using GBS (genotype by sequencing).

- Description of the microbial gut community and its implication in the weight of infants from Costa Rica
- Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Network applied to research and teaching (RedBioAplicada)
- Developing e-Learning tutorials (written in Spanish and English) for CABANA on three data analysis pipelines: transcriptomics, genome assembly, and metagenomics

- Determination of ancestry and reconstructing pre-Columbian history of South American human populations with genomic markers
- Genomic and Epigenomic changes in cancer tumours

Principal Investigator
- Development of time-efficient phylogenomic gene annotation methods for non model organisms.
- Reconstruction of gene regulatory networks from high-throughput sequencing data.