Secondment hosts in the UK

Personal Chair of Mammalian Molecular Genetics, Roslin Institute
- Genome sequencing of farmed animals
- Genome sequencing of Suina species
- Phylogenomics
- Genetics of complex traits

Senior Team Leader, Protein sequence resources
- Computational characterisation of bacterial host interacting proteins.
- Investigation of protein domain composition, discovery of novel protein domains, correlated mutation analysis and sequence analysis of host binding domains.

Head of Chemistry Services
- Computational drug discovery
- Molecule design (Including structure-based design)
- Cheminformatics, Computational chemistry, Chemogenomics
- Machine learning
- Text mining

Head of Training at EMBL-EBI
- Development of training materials and training methods of relevance to CABANA's three challenges
- Piloting remote participation in courses
- Adaptation and translation of existing training materials for new target audiences such as undergraduates and schools

- Finding novel antimicrobial peptides
- The microbiomes of ruminants
- Detecting microbial niches in metagenomic data

Head of E. coli, Shigella, Yersinia and Vibrio Reference Service
- Public health genomics and bioinformatics
- Whole genome sequencing and analysis of gastrointestinal infections

Team Leader - O'Donovan team: Metabolomics
- Identifying the Metabolomes of model organisms
- Identifying the Metabolomes of commercial crops and their pathogens
- Building a reference set of chemical compounds and their metabolomic context

Team Leader, Genome Analysis
- Defining regulatory elements from large epigenomic datasets
- Defining cis-regulatory interactions from Hi-C and eQTL
- GWAS functional analysis pipeline

Group Leader - Petsalaki research group
- Topics related to network inference and data integration

Team Leader, Data Coordination and Archiving
- Curating and adding value to data in the area of Zika and/or other currently relevant pathogens including bacterial pathogens

Team Leader Molecular Networks
- Curation of Human/Pathogen pathways in Reactome (ideally several six-month projects, each on a different disease theme)
- The Omics Discovery Index: Efficient discovery of local and global omics datasets

Team Leader - Gene Expression
- Analysis or visualisation of bulk and single cell transcriptomics
- Linking gene expression to phenotypes
- Characterising cell types

Director Emeritus of EMBL-EBI & Senior Scientist
- Using enzymes in biotechnology - design and evolution
- Using enzymes in biotechnology - design and evolution

Proteomics Team Leader
- Development of data integration approaches involving mass spectrometry proteomics data
- Re-analysis of proteomics datasets to create an updated view of the proteome or metaproteome (e.g. for relevant Latin American pathogens, crops or livestock species)
- Proteogenomics analysis and related genome annotation activities for relevant organisms in Latin America

Team Leader, Eukaryotic Annotation
- Vertebrate genome annotation and comparative genomics
- Genomics of helminths (parasitic worms)
- Model organism genomics

Team Leader: Protein Function Development
- Computational annotation of protein sequences, data mining and analysis tools
- Data integration technologies and format
- Protein data visualization design and web technologies
- Enzymes and biocatalysis services
- Gene Ontology services and programmatic access

Associate Director of EMBL-EBI Services, Senior Scientist and Head of Genes, Genomes & Variation Services
- Genomics of livestock species or endangered vertebrate species
- Genomics of crops and pathogens

Group Leader - Beltrao research group
- Research projects on the theme of evolution of cellular networks, protein post-translational regulation, cancer genomics or genotype to phenotype mapping.

Team Leader, Sequence Families
- Analysing metagenomics datasets from different ecological niches to understand the taxonomic and functional repertoire present and adaptation
- Recovery of genomes from metagenomic datasets, identification and investigation of novel proteins and pathways
- Curation of Pfam entries for specific genomes of agricultural or disease relevance

Head of Web Production
- Development of new web-based services or programmatic access to them

Team Leader, Protein Data Bank in Europe
- Enrichment of 3D macromolecular structures in the PDB with added-value annotations and analysis of assembled data sets
- Development of innovative web-based visualisation tools for 3D structure data

Team Leader - Protein Function Content
- Curation of protein data sets associated with CABANA’s challenge areas (in association with Maria Martin)

Scientific Training Coordinator
- Development of training programmes and course curricula (both face to face and online)
- Analysis of training quality and impact
- New trainer development and mentoring

Team Leader, European Genome-phenome Archive and European Variation Archive
- Rodent diversity, rodent genetics and genomics, environmental adaptation

Research Group Leader - Iqbal research group
- Diagnostics and surveillance of drug resistance in tuberculosis, in S. America and across the world